11 silly little things I love about life

Sometimes, life gets serious. It can get overwhelming, scary, dark, and alone. In times like this, it’s important to remember all of the things that make life beautiful. So I composed a list of 11 “silly” things that I love about life.

  1. St. Patrick’s Day in elementary school: These teachers really go ALL OUT for this stuff. I mean the toilet water is green, the classroom is destroyed, and there’s fake gold everywhere. Isn’t it such a silly but precious thing that kids enjoy so much? Imagine the kid who goes to use the bathroom first and screams out of excitement because the water is green. It really does sound so silly when you think of it but it creates such precious memories.
  2. Little umbrellas in drinks: I don’t have much to say about this one but it’s just cute.
  3. Elderly couples still in love: I just love seeing a sweet elderly couple grocery shopping together, on a walk together, or doing any simple task together. They always seem so wise.
  4. Hearing an old song you forgot about: This is one of the best feelings. It’s like hearing a great song for the first time except you already know all the words. Does it get any better?
  5. The feeling of wind on your face: My friends all make fun of me, and sometimes even call me a dog… because my head is always out the window on any drive we take. There is just such a freeing feeling about the wind on my face. Especially while listening to some of my favorite music. It is literally therapy.
  6. The sky: The clouds the sun all of it I think we can all agree that sunsets and sunrises are beautiful. But there is so much more to the beauty of the sky than that. When the clouds perfectly complement the colors of the sky, when they resemble familiar shapes. The stars, the constellations, the light of the moon. When the sun peaks through the clouds in just the right way it seems like a little glimpse of heaven.
  7. Trying to say bubbles in an angry voice: Just try this one, and you’ll understand.
  8. Meaningful & unexpected conversations with strangers: Things like this always remind me of the billions of other lives around us and the people who are all just trying their best. It is so interesting how your life can intertwine with someone else’s for just a moment and then never again.
  9. Tiny spoons with ice cream: Not only are they adorable, but they help me to slow down and appreciate the ice cream longer instead of inhaling it… lol.
  10. Getting a math problem right: This is probably the only reason I liked math class. It is so satisfying when the work you put in for something pays off.
  11. The peacefulness of camping: There is something so calming in the quiet of the woods. The lack of service, no distractions from Instagram, or any unwanted calls and messages. Just quiet. Games around the campfire. The genuine and uninterrupted interactions with the people you are with.

If you have any more “silly little things I love about life”