Living Intentionally

It is so easy to get caught up in the business of life. Often times we start merely going through the motions of life and fail to really LIVE. It’s time to take control and be intentional with your life.

Be Intentional With Your Time


Time is fleeting, life is short, Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself”.

Don’t waste your time worrying about the future or living in the past.

Use your time wisely, and live the life you want to live not the life someone else wants for you.

If you want something, go get it, but you have to put in the time, in whatever way works for you. For me, I know I am the most productive in the morning. So I intentionally wake up early to get things done. I want to enjoy my life, but I still want to accomplish my goals. Waking up extra early allows me to accomplish what needs to get done and still have free time during the day.

Be Intentional With Your Relationships


The people you surround yourself with have an immeasurable impact on your life. Whether you notice it or not. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good, people who inspire you to be better, and people who listen to you and love you unconditionally but also challenge you.

Make YOUR people know how much they mean to you. Life is too short to leave things unsaid. If someone is bringing value to your life make sure they know the value they bring, you never know how bad someone may need to hear that.

Any relationship takes work, friendships, coworkers, marriage, dating, and family. No matter the connection. If someone is a part of your life and you want them to continue to be a part of your life, be intentional. Take initiative, make the plan to spend time with them, listen when they speak, and take the time to build that deeper connection. Because life is meant to be lived in a community and it is the most fruitful thing to see your community grow together.

In order to make the best contribution to your community it is essential to be intentional in the relationship you have with yourself. Take the time to get to know YOU. Spend time alone, think without interruption, learn to love each and every part of you, and get comfortable in the silence of your own presence

Be Intentional With Your Environment


It is easy to miss how important our environment is to our overall happiness, productivity, and life. Your environment not only impacts your mood but your ability to build habits. If you want to start a new habit, make the habit easy, use your environment to your advantage (and read Atomic Habits)… Anywho, aesthetics are a BIG part of my life, if something is aesthetically pleasing to me, I am 1000% more likely to do it. For example, my desk set up where I do my work is very aesthetically pleasing to me, this encourages me to actually want to do my work. Not only does the aesthetic of my room bring me so much joy. But the habits I was able to build in this environment make me happier and more productive.

If you don’t feel productive in your environment change it. Whether that means changing the decorations, decluttering, etc. Or physically moving into a different environment, in order to spark productivity. For example, today I did work at the coffee shop and when I started feeling a little antsy and suffocated by the space, I moved to the park.

Be Intentional With Your Money


Would you rather spend your money on material items, or memories and experiences? I hope you said experiences! At the end of the day, you probably don’t have unlimited money, I know I don’t. With that being said be intentional about what you choose to spend the money you do have on. There are soooo many things I “want” to spend my money on, but what will bring me the most joy and fulfillment?

Be Intentional With What You Consume

Books, podcasts, music, content (social media).

Whether you realize it or not, every type of content you consume has an impact on you. Whether it is a conscious impact or your subconscious. Be intentional with what you are consuming in all forms. What books are you reading? Throw a self-help book in there. Are you listening to podcasts? Listen to something that’s going to help you grow. What music are you listening to? How does it make you feel? What are the messages behind the lyrics? Who do you follow on social media? Does the content you see on social media make you happy or jealous? These questions are all small examples of the impact the content you consume can have on you. it’s important to pay attention to these small details because they add up.

It’s also important to be intentional with what you’re actually putting into your body! Make sure you are getting all of the nutrients, vitamins, protein, etc. that you need!

-xoxo, jenny <3