Feeling Lost in Your 20’s

I went through a period of time this semester where I just wasn’t feeling like myself. Feeling unmotivated. Feeling lazy. Even a little lonely despite constantly being surrounded by people. Going through the motions of life, checking things off my to-do list, like a robot. I wasn’t present in the moment. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t want to go to the gym, I wasn’t fueling my body, I was just getting through the day. I forgot the things that make me happy, and I was doing whatever everyone else was doing. I really lost sight of myself for a few weeks. Now I know I’m making it sound like I was miserable. I was still enjoying my life and having “fun”. but I wasn’t doing it the right way. My priorities were out of wack and it showed.

Once I recognized that I was losing myself I knew I had to do something. I took a step back. Reflected on the last few weeks. Journaled about how I was feeling and why I thought I was feeling that way. This may sound cliche, but for me oftentimes when I feel like this my first instinct is that I need to go to the beach. And my first instinct is usually right. But obviously, this is not all that needed to be done.

Spend Time With Yourself

This past week I have prioritized my self-care, my night routine, and just taking care of my body and mind. This is something I am usually very good at. But in the last few weeks, I have let myself get lost in my crazy busy life and lost sight of these essential habits. I have been intentional with my free time. Taking time to read my bible, do my devotionals, do my skincare routine, and be in bed early. This has allowed me to feel well-rested which let me tell you hasn’t happened in a while. I had to force myself to wake up and go to the gym to remind myself why I love it (I am still struggling with this). I started to get on top of my schoolwork in order to feel less stressed. Which is something I’ve been struggling with all semester.

When You’re Feeling Lost – Get Outside

After going back to the basics, my next step is always connecting with nature. There is nothing that makes me feel more at peace with myself than being outside. Feeling the wind on my face and the sun on my skin.

I went to the park with some friends to watch the sunset and in that moment was the first time in weeks that I felt like myself. I spent the night staring at the sky, taking pictures, and talking with my best friends about how beautiful this life is. After that night, I took the time to go up to watch the sunset on the roof of my apartment building instead of being lazy and watching from my window.

A few days later I took a beach day with my friends. I layed in the sun, read my book, journaled, swam in the ocean (and played mermaids and dolphins because it’s fun to act like a kid sometimes). I made sure to stick my head out the window on the ride home from the beach too. While playing our favorite songs of course. I don’t know what it is but the feeling of the wind on my face while listening to my favorite music is truly my therapy.


A big part of how I started to feel like myself again is the people I spent time with. I am so lucky to have such amazing people in my life. People who bring me joy, who makes me laugh, and who love this life as deeply as I do. Between my best friends, family, and my roommates, I truly think I have the best people in my life. It is so important to not only spend intentional time with yourself when you’re feeling lost but also to spend time with good people. People who will give it to you straight but give you their shoulder to cry on. People who will remind you why this life is so so good.

How to Stop Feeling Lost – Music

Another thing that helps me is listening to the right music. The music that makes me feel the most alive is my “head out the window” playlist on apple music:

Take Yours-Matthew Mole

The Life-Marc Scibilia

Same Parts, Same Hearts-Matthew Mole

Stick Season-Noah Kahan

Everywhere, Everything-Noah Kahan

All My Love-Noah Kahan

Homesick-Noah Kahan

Northern Attitude-Noah Kahan

Oklahoma Smoke Show-Zach Bryan

From a Lover’s Point of View-Zach Bryan

Life’s What you Make it-Graham Colton

Where We Are-the Lumineers

idk you yet(cover)-Bertie Newman

These are my songs that make me feel alive and make me feel like myself. Maybe yours are different but I definitely recommend listening to these ones because the vibes are immaculate.

I know it’s easy to feel lost sometimes in this life. This is your reminder that we all do and that it is okay. I hope this not only reminds you that you’re not alone but also helps you to get out of the rut that you’re in.

What Can You Do?

Here are some ideas that help me feel like myself again:

-watching sunset&sunrises

-be creative- arts & crafts

-morning walks listening to music

-be in the moment-meditate

-taking care of your body-fuel your body with nutrients & move

-taking care of your mind-journal

-be in nature-get outside ( in the grass, in the sand, in the snow )