Do It For Your Future Self

Something that has been on my mind this week is this phrase, “Always make life easier for your future self”. I’ve recently been thinking about how important this is and how worth it it is EVERY TIME. This phrase is applicable in various circumstances so let’s dive in!

Help Your Future Self with the “Non-Urgent” Tasks

The most obvious circumstance that this saying comes to mind in are the non-urgent tasks on our to do lists. The tasks we tend to let build and build, because they don’t NEED to be done right now… until they do. Then we’re scrambling at the last minute, left feeling overwhelmed and stressed. I prefer to avoid this feeling. 

Stop procrastinating undesirable tasks just because they aren’t urgent. Checking them off your to do list and preventing the pile up will make life easier for your future self. This week I have tried to tackle the section of my to-do list that holds these tasks. Not only has it been so rewarding to check them off, but it has made life easier and less overwhelming for my future self. Some of these tasks for me include washing my car, running certain errands, and reaching out to advising at school.

The longer we let these tasks sit on our to do lists, the bigger we build them up to be. For example I have been putting off finding a specific advisor on campus for weeks. I finally did it today, and my problem was solved in all of two minutes. Now when I look at my to-do list and see that task, I no longer have to feel the daunting pit in my stomach.

Help Your Future Self with New Habits

Another way that this quote is prevalent in our lives is in our desired habits and goals. Make your habits easy and obvious (Atomic Habits). If there is a habit you want to implement into your life, make it as easy as possible to do so. Whether this is setting out a workout outfit the night before, or habit stacking, etc. This usually requires planning ahead. Take the time to set yourself up for success. Another example is cleaning your room each time it gets even the smallest bit cluttered, it just helps to prevent that build up of clutter. Otherwise it has the possibility to go from a simple two minute task to a thirty minute ordeal, decreasing the likelihood that you will take the time to do it.

Just Do It

Do the homework assignment early. Set out your pj’s before you leave the house. Do your dishes as you cook. Tidy up after picking out an outfit (am I the only one who makes a mess trying to pick out an outfit?). Check off those non-urgent tasks when you have the time. Plan ahead. Be prepared. And make life just a little bit easier for you tomorrow.

-xoxo, jenny <3