5 ways to maintain your new years resolutions, habits & goals !

We’re more than half way through the month of January, and my guess is those New Years Resolutions are starting to get a bit harder. With the momentum of the new year and the promises of a “new you”, New Years Resolutions tend to start out great. But when all of that fades away, that is when the real work comes in. I came up with a few tips that help me keep my eye on the prize with my goals. I’ve definitely taken some inspiration from “Atomic Habits” which btw is a MUST READ!

Tip #1: Make your habits EASY&OBVIOUS

New habits are exciting… at least for the first week. But how can you maintain these new habits after the excitement passes?

  • You want to make these habits as easy as possible and minimize the possibility/opportunity for resistance. Making habits easy may seem simple but often time we don’t think about our habits enough to realize this. This can mean setting out your workout outfit the night before to make getting ready for the gym easier. Or in regard to planning out your habit, truly consider when would be most convenient. When would you have the least excuses?
  • You can also look at it from the opposite way and make breaking your new habit hard. For example if you want to have a healthier diet, make eating bad things hard by not having them in the house. This means in order to eat unhealthy things you would have to put in more effort. Rather than just eating the healthy food that you have accessible.
  • Now making your habits obvious isn’t all that different than making them easy. The most clear way to make your habits obvious is by making a vision board. A vision board is a constant reminder of the goals you hope to achieve. When all your dreams are constantly thrown in your face, it keeps them on the forefront of your thoughts. And makes you more likely to achieve them. On top of this leaving cues to specific habits in view as a reminder is another way to make it obvious. Use your environment to your advantage. If you want to drink more water keep your water bottle near you and in sight. If you want to workout more set out your workout outfit. So that you can’t ignore it when you wake up. Leave out your new skincare products as a constant reminder that you want to take better care of your skin.

Tip #2: Schedule schedule schedule

Maybe you’re not a schedule girl (or guy), but I don’t know what that is like.

  • For me scheduling my life specifically allows for more productivity and also more free time. If you saw my google calendar, you would probably think I’m crazy. I plan EVERYTHING out, down to when I plan on getting ready for the day, or when I plan to make dinner. You name it I plan it. Now, now, now, before you jump down my throat about being spontaneous and what not. I know life is unpredictable and plans change blah blah blah. I agree. I’m not saying that I always stick to my schedule, but I think it is beneficial to have a plan. If you need to veer off the original plan, so be it. In my experience, I am more likely to check off my to-do list when I have designated times to complete each item.

Tip #3: Make your habits FUN & keep them exciting

This might be my favorite tip!

  • As someone who likes to romanticize every part of life this is right up my alley. Make your desired habits APPEALING. Wear a cute gym outfit, use a fun water cup, create a new setup for you to get your work done. There are so many ways to make your habits just a bit more appealing and it really does make a difference. It’s like a reward.
  • New habits are exciting at first, but when it gets old, find ways to keep it exciting. Change is good. Variety is good. Get creative.

Tip #4: Find an accountability partner

I am blessed and grateful to have people in my life that are always striving to be better. That are willing to hold me accountable to be the person that I say I want to be.

  • One of my friends and I actually created accountability lists for each other, an idea we can credit to our pastor. These lists contain questions pertaining to different categories/goals in our lives. There are about twenty questions on each of our lists. Every two weeks we plan a time to grab a coffee and ask each other these intentional questions. It is a total game changer.
  • As much as I emphasize self discipline, at the end of the day we are not perfect people. The truth is, when there is another person involved we are more likely to say true to what we say we will do. On top of that, having someone to go through the growth journey with is so rewarding. Not only getting to see your personal growth, but seeing how your accountability partner grows and inspiring each other along the way.
  • Aside from your designated accountability partner, make sure the other people around you are also holding you accountable. They say “you are who you surround yourself with” and that is true. People to talk to about your goals, to talk about the challenges and the rewards. People to help motivate you when you feel like giving up. You should always be surrounding yourself with people who are going to challenge you and inspire you.

Tip #5: Be reasonable

This tip is something I hadn’t always considered.

  • Often times we get on this life high where it feels like we’re on top of the world and set wayyyy too many goals for ourselves, with high hopes to achieve them. As nice as this sounds in the moment, we are merely setting ourselves up for failure. It is important to be reasonable on how many different goals we can focus on at once and at what capacity. It is better to take baby steps than to leap and fall.
  • It can be discouraging when you don’t achieve your goals. So make your goals achievable.

Stay true to the person you say you are and achieve those goals! I know you can!

-xoxo jenny