You DO have time

“Hey! How are you?” -> “Good but busy! How are you?”

The Busy Competition

I can’t count how many times my conversations have started like this. We are all always “busy”. So “busy” that it can sometimes feel like we are all competing over who has the most packed schedule. Who is doing the most? And who has the least “free time”? The truth is our lives are incomparable. We all have different responsibilities that require varying levels of attention. No two life paths are the same, and life doesn’t have to be a constant competition.

I don’t know if it stems from an insecurity of not doing enough or an ego of doing the most. But there is no need to compete over “busyness”. Often times this “busy” competition manifests into responses such as “oh I don’t have time for that” or “I’m too busy for that”. There will ALWAYS be time for the things that are most important to you. It is about what you prioritize, not what you “have time for”.

“I Don’t Have Time”

I am definitely guilty of saying statements like this too. But it is something that has come to my attention recently. I know that when I talk about something I enjoy doing and someone responds with “oh i don’t have time for that”,whether they mean to or not, it comes off rude. I’ve learned to take notice of this when it is said to me and now it doesn’t bother me as much any more. I am also more self aware in conversations when me knee jerk reaction is to say “I don’t have time”.

How it affects YOU

Not only does this manifest in your relationships and conversations with others but it also manifests in your own mind. For me, any time I go into a project or a task, or just daily life with the mindset of “I have no time”. I feel rushed all day and like I am barely holding on by a thread. But when I go into the same to do list with the changed mindset of “There is time for everything”. It truly does make a difference. I’ve said countless times that mindset is everything. And this is no different. Anything I’ve ever had to get done has gotten done. So I am confident what needs to be done will be done, I DO have time.

If there is something you “wish you had time for”, change something, and MAKE the time. Wake up earlier, move your schedule around if you can. If there is a will, there is a way. You DO have time.

-xoxo, jenny <3