Owning Your Path

I am currently in a very transitional period of my life. I’m about to graduate college in the next couple of weeks. I am choosing my path.

As a 21 year old, for most of our lives we were all kind of on the same path. With the end goal in mind of graduating high school. Then for the first time in our lives some of us chose different paths, but most went onto college. In this season of life as I am about to graduate from college, the possibilities for my life are endless. It is up to me to decide what I want to pursue. As someone as indecisive as me that is scary. 

I am not in a structured or straight forward career field. I don’t want to be a doctor, or a teacher, or a lawyer, etc. Grad school isn’t on my horizon right now, because I don’t see a need for it with my current career goals. I am being let out into the real world and that is kind of crazy. For the first time in my life there’s no definite next step. There is no definite end goal, it is just up to me to decide how I want to live and how I want to support that lifestyle.


It is so easy to compare the path of life that you are currently on to others. Up until now our paths have been easily comparable. But at this point in life we are all going to go in completely different directions at completely different speeds. Your path will not look like ANYONE elses, and that is how it should be. 

I want to live a life that is completely unique to me, unique to my goals and dreams, unique to my values, a life tailored for me. I don’t want to be like everyone else, so I have to stop comparing myself to everyone else.

It is easy to feel like you aren’t successful enough, like your plan isn’t steady enough, or like you are behind. But now, in your 20’s, is the time to take risks, try new things, chase your dreams. It’s not about one fast track to “success” or stability because “success” doesn’t look the same for everyone.

Own Your Path

Keep in mind YOUR dreams, values, and goals when you find yourself comparing your path to someone else’s. Just because they have a fancy job lined up after graduation and you don’t, doesn’t mean you aren’t doing as “good” as them. It just means you are on your own path.

It is easy to find myself tempted to be jealous of people who have some crazy job lined up after graduation in their field. Until I remember that that isn’t even my goal. I’m comparing myself to people that are chasing a different dream than me. That isn’t the life I want for myself. Yet it is so easy to compare myself to that.

Your life is your own, don’t waste time comparing it to someone else. God has a plan for your life and it is unique to you. Trust His plan, trust that He wants and has good plans for your life. He wants to see you prosper, you just need to have faith and trust the process 🙂

There is time, you are not behind, and you can chase your dreams. Learn to appreciate the unknown. There is an abundance of opportunity in the unknown.

-xoxo, jenny <3