Creativity and Comparison

Creativity is everywhere.

This weeks blog post is pretty niche, and as I sit here writing it, I’m not exactly sure where it will go. But it’s something that has been on my mind recently.

By definition, creativity…

is the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.

Creativity is all around us. It is in everything we do. And, it goes far beyond the artistic disciplines. Problem solving of any kind for example is creativity.

We are ALL capable of being creative, so stop limiting yourself because you aren’t used to practicing your creativity.

As I have began to uncover my creative passions more seriously in the last couple years, creativity is something that is constantly on my mind. I’m not sure exactly where I want to end up, but I know that I love to be creative and I would love to incorporate that into my career. I also know that I am done letting self doubt and insecurity stand in the way of me pursuing that passion.

When it comes to creativity, like many things in life, it is easy to compare yourself to others. “I’m just not as creative as she is”, “How did she think of that?”, “Why is she so good at this?”. All of these questions have this negative connotation to them. And this is too often how we think.

Something I discussed with my small group the other day is how cool it is how unique we all are, how distinctively our brains work. Particularly when it comes to creativity and artistic outlets, but the same goes for day to day life.

Creativity is all about being unique. It is about coming at life with your unique perspective, experiences, and ideas. So let’s lean into that.

In my small group, we had one prompt to respond to, and we all responded in a different manner. The way we responded reflected the way that we all see the world differently. I don’t know about you, but when you look at creativity in this light, it is so so beautiful. How boring would this world be if we were all the exact same?

Switch your perspective of comparison and jealousy to admiration. It is so sweet to see what others can create with their unique qualities. It is so sweet to see what YOU can create, and it is even sweeter that it is uniquely yours.

All this to say. Be creative. Stop comparing yourself to others. Take a step back and notice the beauty in our uniqueness.

-xoxo, jenny <3