
You are all probably already sick of my birthday, but the birthday talk ain’t over yet!


Some people hate celebrating birthdays, some people love it, and some people just don’t think it’s a big deal. I’m here to tell you it is a big deal and you aren’t doing enough.

I know I know, birthday trauma, expectations, disappointments. Don’t even get me started with that “one year closer to death” nonsense. I get why you may not like celebrating your birthday. Maybe it’s because you are always disappointed, people let you down, or it doesn’t go as you EXPECT. And yes expect is in all caps for a reason, which we’re about to get to.

For the Birthday Girl (or Boy)

My best advice is to go into your birthday without expectations. You can try to plan all you want (we all know I am a control freak), but it is not going to go exactly how you planned so be open. Leave space for the people in your life to fill with sweet surprises, and lots of love! With that being said, if there are specific plans you want to make on your birthday, tell people, and tell them in advanced. Whether it’s a dinner or a party or an activity. If you have something in mind, you can’t expect the people around you to read your mind and plan that for you.

For the Friends, Family, and Loved Ones

Now we all know the golden rule (treat people how you want to be treated) so go big for your friend birthdays, even if they aren’t making it a big deal. Make them feel special. All it takes is a small gesture, and a little quality time. It is all about the intentionality behind your actions, it really is the thought that counts.

Why I Love Birthdays

I think birthdays are such a precious concept, merely celebrating the fact that you lived another year. Life is so beautiful and I am a firm believer in taking every opportunity to celebrate it all. Birthdays are also a great point of reflection to see all you have accomplished in the past year of your life, and make goals for the year to come. It’s like New Years part two!

Birthdays are a perfect opportunity to show the people in your life how important they are to you, a day to celebrate a person you love and care about. And obviously I am not saying that you shouldn’t celebrate the people in your life daily or throughout the year. But a birthday is the perfect occasion to take the extra step, go the extra mile, and be so intentional in gathering together and sharing your love for someone.

My Birthday

This birthday my friends and family have made me feel so valued, loved, special, and seen. It has been so so sweet. It has just reminded me that even when life gets busy and maybe I can’t see how much I am cared for, they have all always been there. I feel so excited to show my friends and family that same love on every one of their birthdays.

It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, an expensive gift or anything crazy, a thought-felt message, quality time, and intentionality is truly what matters most. A single flower, a thoughtful card, a picture in a frame, remembering something they like, or a sweet treat.

What has meant the most to me is the moments that people around me have taken to just spend time with me.

Alone Time

Something so sweet about my birthday this year is the time I took to celebrate me… with myself. You guys know I am always advocating for quiet time, alone time, and really growing the relationship with yourself. This is no different on your birthday. With the free time I did have on my birthday this year apart form work and celebrating with friends, I took the time to do some fun things alone! I took a walk on the beach and looked for shells. I took a ride to the thrift store and wandered there for a while. And this brought me so much peace.

Treat yourself, take the time to do the things you love most! As sweet as it is to have loved ones who make you feel special on your birthday, take some responsibility. Your life is in YOUR hands, so do it for you.

-xoxo, jenny <3