I Can Do Hard Things

Who says hard has to be a bad thing? It builds strength, it builds experience, and it builds wisdom.

Hard doesn’t have to mean bad. We live in a day and age where we just want easy, which is natural. But that’s not exactly how life works. Life is hard, you will go through hard things, you will have to work hard. More often than not, hard is associated with bad, but why? Why don’t we change this narrative?

My Inspiration

To be honest this blog post came to me as I was carrying my groceries from my car to my apartment. I was organizing my bags and I knew I was going to have to make two trips between my groceries and all of the other things I had picked up that day. The walk from the car to my apartment can feel dreadful with groceries sometimes. My first thought was to text my roommates to see if anyone could come help. This way I wouldn’t have to go back and forth twice and carry all my bags. But then I thought back to a conversation I had with a friend about the phrase “I can do hard things” and I decided that it wasn’t a big deal. I could make the two trips and carry it all myself, even if it was heavy and even if it would take twice as long.

This may be a silly example but this was my thought process in that moment. The harder option was choosing to do it myself, but I knew I was fully capable. And that is the truth, we are fully capable. So why are we constantly telling ourselves that we can’t?

The Best Things in Life Take Hard Work

At the end of the day, the idea of things being “hard” is unavoidable. Life can be hard, sometimes, or even all the time. On top of that, the best things in life take work. Nothing truly comes easy, you always have to put in some sort of work or effort. But there is something so fruitful about going through with these things and achieving your goals in the face of challenges. No matter what it is, from big things to small things, like carrying your groceries alone, hitting a PR at the gym, or surpassing your sales goal for the month. Even something out of your comfort zone like going to an event where you don’t know anyone. Any action that forces you to branch out of your comfort zone will produce self growth.

Why “Easy” Isn’t Always Better

Sometimes the “hard way” is better. Whether that is because you gain confidence in yourself because you see that you really can do hard things. Or maybe it’s because you were able to grow and learn more from trying something that is different than what you are used to. I’m not suggesting that should you make your life harder than it has to be. But I am suggesting a change of mindset. A more open mind, a more daring mind. A mind that isn’t afraid to face the challenge.

Choose Your Hard

This is a phrase that has been in my mind for a while. This is the concept that everything is “hard” in some way, we just have to take our pick. For example eating healthy can be hard, but feeling unhealthy from processed foods is also hard. Chasing your dream may be hard, but so is letting your life pass wondering what could have been. Either way it’s not easy, so take your pick. Personally, I would rather choose the option that reaps the most benefit.

It is time to change your mindset. You can do hard things.

-xoxo, jenny <3