My Current Workout Split

For the last few years of my life, I have been a “gym girl”, and it has been one of the best things for me. It has been my motivation through hard times. It has shown me the importance of dedication and discipline and how the combination of the two can foster results. However, I have noticed that while I am very “fit” when it comes to lifting a weight, when it comes to other factors (like running, balance, flexibility, etc.) I am not quite up to par. So I decided that I needed to implement some more variety in my workouts. I’ve created a general workout plan and I have decided to share it with you guys.

Now small disclaimer… I have yet to put this plan into action… lol. But I plan on starting next week!

Monday: Glutes at the Gym

This has been what my Mondays typically look like for the last three years. I personally don’t LOVE leg day so I like to start off my Mondays and get it out of the way for the week. I would say hip thrusts and rdl’s are the two exercises that really don’t change even when I revamp my workouts a bit.

  1. hip thrusts
  2. rdl’s
  3. leg press
  4. sumo squats
  5. hip abductors

Tuesday: Cycling Class!

My school offers free workout classes and there is a 7 am cycling class on Tuesday mornings that I plan on attending. Now to be honest I don’t love cycle but I think it could grow on me. I think it’s a good form of cardio and if I can get one of my friends to do it with me it could definitely be a fun way to start my Tuesdays!

Wednesday: Back&Bi’s Workout

I love back and bi’s day and Wednesdays are early mornings for me because I have a class at 8 am so I like to have a workout I can really look forward to. My pull days don’t always look the same because I like to switch it up. Especially whether I plan on focusing more on back or biceps. I listed some common exercises that I do below!

  1. lat pull downs
  2. rows
  3. criss-cross pulls (I don’t know how to properly name these lol)
  4. barbell curls
  5. pullups

Thursday: Quads at the Gym

Another tough day… leg day part 2. I like to split up my leg days into a more glute-focused day and a more quad-focused day. Once I get through squats I actually really enjoy quad day! My favorite part of quad day is leg extensions. I’ll start off with around 100lbs and I will do 3 reps, then without resting I will switch the weight one setting lower and do another 3 reps, and I continue this all the way down. The struggle to extend your leg with no additional weight after doing about 30 reps is the best feeling.

  1. squats
  2. sumo squats with 30 second hold at the end of each set
  3. leg extensions
  4. calf raises
  5. hip adductor

Friday: Garden Yoga

This is another class offered by my school. I live across the street from the botanical gardens and tehy offer yoga outside every Friday! I really love yoga but I don’t do it as much as I would like so I am happy to incorporate it into my weekly routine, especially getting to do it outside!

Saturday: Chest&Tris Workout

Push day is another favorite of mine. A recently added exercise that I LOVE is skull crushers, I avoided these for so long for really no reason but now that I added them to my routine I’m OBSESSED.

  1. chest press or bench
  2. inclined chest press
  3. butterflies
  4. tricep push down
  5. skull crushers

Sunday: Shoulder Workout & Hike

I love Sundays, simply the best day of the week. So it’s only fitting that I hit my favorite day at the gym AND get to go on a cute nature hike to start my day! There is a super fun little trail right on my campus so I plan to do that at sunrise before church and then hit shoulders later on! My typical shoulder workout is below!

  1. front barbell raise
  2. lateral dumbbell raise
  3. overhead press
  4. face pulls
  5. high pulls