A Letter to the Incoming College Freshman

to the incoming college freshman,

I know you’re feeling SO many things right now. Excited, scared, anxious, happy, sad, etc. But I also know that deep down you know that this is the start of a new chapter of your life. At the end of the day, it will be what you make of it. So this is your reminder to make the most out of every moment. It will not always be easy but I promise you it will be worth it. There is truly nothing in this world like your freshman year of college, nothing will ever compare. It is your first taste of real freedom. It is the first step into your adult life, yet with all of the fun your inner child desires.

There is nothing like meeting your freshman-year roommate on move-in day. Now I know not everyone lucks out with a good roommate. Do be prepared for the possibility of some crazy roommate stories. But if you’re lucky enough this person will be the first friend you make in this new place. The place you will spend the next four years digging your roots into and making a life for yourself.

me and my freshman year roommate celebrating her 20th birthday!

Put yourself out there, make friends, go to EVERYTHING. You are going to meet so many new people who know nothing about you. This is your chance to start over and be the person you really want to be. No one has any preconceptions about you, you can truly be yourself. Meet as many people as possible. The first few months are going to be crazy but after that, you will truly start to find your friends. Choose them wisely. These people are your family, the people you will share good news with first and your shoulder to cry on when you have a bad day.

You only get to experience college once so make sure you experience everything. Go to the sports games, join a club, hang out on campus, be PRESENT. Not only will you make the most memories being involved but you will meet people who have the same interests as you.

Enjoy every single moment because one day in four years, you and your roommate will be walking the halls of your old freshman dorm. You’ll walk past your old room and you’ll hear the new freshman laughing and singing and you’ll want nothing more to go back to the day that your entire college experience was ahead of you.

-xoxo jenny (a girl whose sad to be a senior)