Learning to Embrace Uncertainty

Uncertainty tends to have a bit of a “bad” reputation. But what if we changed the narrative just a little? What if we got a “one up” on uncertainty and took control of how it affects our lives?

Is Uncertainty Exciting or Scary?

I think it depends on who you ask. Recently I’ve changed my perspective on uncertainty from living in fear of it to actually appreciating it. Uncertainty to me keeps life interesting. I think it’s so cool that we have no clue what tomorrow may bring. But I definitely wouldn’t say that appreciating uncertainty comes naturally. I think my life came to a point where I could either crumble in fear of the uncertainty of my dreams and the status of my future, or trust that everything happens for a reason, recognize that God has a plan for me, and know that I will make the best of whatever the future may bring.

Attaching Yourself To Outcomes

I think the first “mistake” that leads to such strong fear of uncertainty is attaching happiness, success, etc. to the outcomes of events in the future. You can never rely on materialistic goals to sustain your happiness. It is such a waste to “wait” to be happy until (fill in the blank). What if what you are waiting for never happens?? When are you going to be happy?

Creating Healthy Goals Despite Uncertainty

If you know me, you know I am a sucker for a good goals list, vision board, etc. I think it is so awesome to continue to take the initiative to improve yourself. But how can we create goals for our future in a balanced way? It’s okay to have goals it’s okay to make plans, but there’s more to it. When setting goals, especially bigger life goals it’s important not to attach yourself to them so heavily. What if none of your goals get checked off, what if nothing on your vision board comes true? Then what? Is your whole life and identity tied to these uncertain goals, or do you have a foundation of happiness in yourself alone? How can you find a way to be happy regardless of the outcome of your dreams? How can you be happy and content with what you have now, rather than relying on something you want in your future to bring you that happiness?

Are You Living For The Present Or The Future

This goes back to the idea of waiting to be happy. Is your life today focused on where you want to be tomorrow or is your life today about living in the moment? Sometimes we’re all so worried about tomorrow that we waste away today. Before we know it, it’s too late and we can never relive the moments we missed while we were busy worrying about the future. Life is fleeting. We will never get any moment back after it passes. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to waste a single moment. I don’t want to save my happiness for tomorrow or for when I find my dream job, start a family, or move to a new town. Why wait? The truth is tomorrow isn’t promised and I’d hate to waste today for a tomorrow that may never come.