It’s Time to Slow Down

Typically I fall right into the hyper-productivity trap that is one of our generation’s toxic traits, however, due to recent events I’ve been forced to slow down and I can see now why it’s important.

Now I’ve always been a “fan” of quiet time and slowing down at the end of the day. I do incorporate that as much as I can into my everyday life, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. I mean taking time to REALLY slow down.

Why I Had to Slow Down

For example, this past November I got super sick, nothing out of the ordinary, sinus infection, fever, stomach flu, you name it I had it. I NEVER get sick so this was quite new to me. But my point is, I physically could not do anything and I mean it. I remember saying to my dad on the phone when he called me that I was just gonna stare at the wall for the rest of the day, and that’s exactly what I did, that day, and days after.

Now while my body needed this rest it isn’t necessarily the kind of break I am suggesting, that was a little extreme. But what it did do for me was remind me to slow down. I was driving myself crazy doing a million things at once and I needed to take a step back.

I was sick for the entire month of November, and every time I thought I was getting better and tried to over-exert myself… a new sickness hit. Maybe this was god telling me I wasn’t done resting. By the time December came around and it was time to make my monthly goals I simply didn’t have the energy. So I decided there were no goals for December. If you know me well, you know that this is crazy for me, I LOVE my monthly goals. But I decided December was going to be a month of rest & recovery & that’s exactly what I did, and it was weird… but nice.

slow down
slow down


I am all for promoting consistent progress, hard work, and discipline, but they’re comes a point in life where some balance is needed. If there is one thing I have learned in my life thus far it is that it is all about moderation and balance. I love being non-stop and doing what seems like a million things at once, but it isn’t sustainable. Taking the rest I needed in the month of December allowed me to be refreshed and ready for new goals in the New Year. I truly feel fully recuperated and ready to take on whatever 2023 has to throw at me.

Just Existing

Now I know being able to rest like this is a privilege and not everyone has that luxury. But even if it’s just taking one weekend off to do absolutely nothing, sit on your couch to watch movies, and rest. Don’t worry about work or school or your personal goals, just exist. It is important to separate free time and rest from self-improvement and personal goals. Something I am working on in 2023 is creating a balance of my free time between effortless rest and personal growth.

Movie Inspo For You to Slow Down (aka my favorite movies)

Eat Pray Love

Fast & Furious

Guardians of the Galaxy

Harry Potter


Mamma Mia

Pirates of the Caribbean


Top Gun

-xoxo jenny <3