Why You Need To Go Camping

Listen, I am not one to encourage “roughing it” I very much enjoy my nighttime skincare routine, my essential oils, and my comfy cozy bed. However, last march I went on my first camping/hiking trip. Some of you may be thinking, you’re 19 years old and you’ve never been camping?? Yes, that is true. However, if you’re like me and never had this experience, this is your sign to get out there and do it.

Now I’m not talking about “glamping” as they call it, in some cabin in the woods (even though I wish I was). Or even staying in a camper, I’m talking a tent, a sleeping bag, and you, hardcore (at least to me).

I took on this challenge in the winter which was perhaps not ideal. So if you’re thinking about it, maybe think about spring. Not having to battle the cold with layers upon layers of clothes might make the experience a little less challenging. But hey if you’re up for the challenge it was definitely bearable, and likely more rewarding.

Anywho, when this opportunity first came up I was doubtful. Thoughts like “should I just go to the beach for spring break like a normal college student?” and “am I signing up for a trip or to suffer?” came to mind. Thankfully, I pushed them away because of a thesis paper I wrote the semester prior.

In my paper, I went on and on about the importance of going out of your comfort zone. Ever since I wrote it I’ve tried to keep that advice in my mind. After thinking about the trip, I realized it was the perfect opportunity to do something outside of my comfort zone.

My Comfort Zone

I’ve never been camping, I’ve never been hiking, and never slept in a tent let alone in the cold. This was all new to me and definitely a little intimidating. But this trip is proof of the importance of going outside your comfort zone. Not only did I have an amazing time and make countless memories with great people, but I have learned so much from this experience. From camping/hiking to bits and pieces of new languages, I even learned more about myself. Being able to step back with no service, no showers, no assignments just a tent, a good pair of hiking boots (all the other crap I lugged around with me), and nature.

I never really understood the beauty of camping. I’ve always been a nature girl, but typically that translated to swimming in the ocean or painting outside on the lawn not sleeping in a tent in the middle of the woods. I didn’t think I was missing out on anything, but the beauty of being “off the grid” in the middle of nowhere with no choice but to appreciate the beauty of the nature and landscape around you is indescribable. No social media or phones to distract you from what is right in front of your face.

My Experience Camping

A part of this experience that I didn’t think I would like very much was surprisingly pleasant. I had one plate one fork and one spoon, no dish soap just the river. I thought I would be uncomfortable eating off of a “half clean” plate but it was sort of invigorating. This may be because I am a bit of a clean freak and I like things to be quite particular, but it was nice to not care so much.

You also become one with nature in all of this, somehow bugs and bees become less annoying and scary. You realize that they’re just minding their business and you don’t really care that they’re there. For example, this is a picture of me and my friend Mr.Bee. For some background, normally I am quite terrified of bees.

The lack of stress and worry reminds you that most to all of the things we stress about in our busy lives are ridiculous because it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if your house is perfectly clean and organized when you have guests. It doesn’t matter if you have name-brand clothes or bags. It doesn’t matter if you have a thousand friends and everyone admires you. So many of our desires and causes of stress are superficial and experiences like these are able to remind us of this.

I am so grateful for this experience and all that I have learned. So, this is your reminder to try new things even if it’s scary.

-xoxo jenny <3